Neural-PBIR Reconstruction of Shape, Material, and Illumination


Reconstructing the shape and spatially varying surface appearances of a physical-world object as well as its surrounding illumination based on 2D images (e.g., photographs) of the object has been a long-standing problem in computer vision and graphics. In this paper, we introduce a robust object reconstruction pipeline combining neural based object reconstruction and physics-based inverse rendering (PBIR). Specifically, our pipeline firstly leverages a neural stage to produce high-quality but potentially imperfect predictions of object shape, reflectance, and illumination. Then, in the later stage, initialized by the neural predictions, we perform PBIR to refine the initial results and obtain the final high-quality reconstruction. Experimental results demonstrate our pipeline significantly outperforms existing reconstruction methods quality-wise and performance-wise.

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Cheng Sun
Cheng Sun
Research Scientist at Nvidia
Guangyan Cai
Guangyan Cai
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science

I am interested in physics-based differentiable rendering and its applications, such as inverse rendering.

Zhengqin Li
Zhengqin Li
Research Scientist at Meta Reality Lab
Kai Yan
Kai Yan
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Cheng Zhang
Cheng Zhang
Research Scientist at Meta Reality Labs
Carl Marshall
Carl Marshall
Research Scientist at Meta Reality Labs
Jia-Bin Huang
Jia-Bin Huang
Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Maryland, College Park
Shuang Zhao
Shuang Zhao
Associate Professor of Computer Science at the UC Irvine
Zhao Dong
Zhao Dong
Research Scientist at Meta Reality Labs